Portfolio Management

Manage complex multi-asset and multi-class portfolios, and create multi-country, multi-currency performace cash flow on the spot. Keep track in real time of equity, asset value, cash position, loans across the portfolio holding structures.

Features & Functions

See cash flow projections for a range of different scenarios

Automatically consolidate and analyse information across countries and asset classes with full drill-through of operational data

View reconciled cash balance and projections in real-time for continuous pro-active cash management

Immediately assess financing and refinancing risks across your portfolio

See consolidated financial statements in seconds

Dive deep into fully standardised information from any report or dashboard

Financial Reporting

Share value

Equity allocation

Debt management / Cross collateralization

NAV / cash on cash / IRR

Risk assesment

Multi-country, Multi currency

Accounting System


Shareholder loan

Intercompany loan

Interest payment / distribution

Cash position

Portfolio Management

Asset-level revenues and expenses

Budgets / business plans

Financing information / ratios

Bank statements

Asset descriptions

Asset valuation reports