Hotel Management

bluekern lets you analyse all your hotel operations on one screen. Unlimited drill-though of operational data from any source means your financial reports and KPIs will tell the full story of how your hotel is performing.

Features & Functions

Stay up to speed with daily performance KPIs and operational reports

Get a bigger picture with cross-department analysis

Store historical data and compare year to year performance

Benchmark across assets and countries

Fully USALI based

Automated accounting and End of month closing for immediate ROI

Financial Reporting

Performance reporting

Real time USALI statements

Year to year / year to budget comparison

Cross - department KPI’s

Oulets’ live performance

Sales and profit margin analyses

Accounting System

Fully automatized accounting

End of month closing

Receivables and payables

Tax / VAT declarations

Purchases and stock management

360° Hotel Operations

Hotel Management System

Point of Sale

Sales and Marketing

Human Resources

Catering Management System

Public Parking

Purchase and Inventory
